Statement of Hwail Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s Safety and Health Management Policy and Objectives

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Statement of Hwail Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s Safety and Health Management Policy and Objectives

화일약품관리자 0 666

Policy on Safety and Health Management

Hwail Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. acknowledges all employees' safety and health as the company's priority value throughout its management activities and builds a safety and health management system that conforms to laws and standards to do its best so that all employees can work safely in pleasant surroundings.

For this purpose, the following safety and health activities will be implemented to improve the safety and health environment continuously.

1. The CEO aims for the top priorities of business management activities as "safeguarding workers' lives" and 'providing a safe working environment.'

2. The CEO provides a safety and health management system for adequate human and material resources to eliminate and regulate workplace risk factors.

3.  We will set Safety and health objectives and implement specific action plans after establishing them.

4. We will establish and fully implement internal regulations that conform with safety and health laws and regulations.

5. We will figure out risk variables through worker participation, make sure to improve these risk factors, and share them through education.

6. We will ensure to make all members aware of the risk factors associated with their responsibilities, and give education and training on risk factor elimination, replacement, and control procedures.

7. We will make certain that all vendors and contractors abide by our safety and health rules and regulations.

8. All members must diligently comply with their safety and health responsibilities and obligations.

Health and Safety Objectives: 

Keeping industrial accidents to Zero cases - Each year, 10 cases of identifying and improving risk factors are achieved.